Tuesday, January 20, 2009

They're One!

The Girls have turned ONE! Boy, are they as cute as ever. They came to visit me with their Birthday Dresses on. They have so much personality it's a crack-up. Even though one sister wasn't feeling too hot (poor baby), her sister had enough enthusiasm for the both of them. Along with some sweet pictures, I am adding some out takes for fun. They just make me laugh and melt my heart all at the same time. Happy Birthday, Girls! Your first year was such a blessing to me and all who know you. I pray your second year is just as blessed.

Miss E. telling everyone how old she is:

Miss P. showing us her cute grin:

Two sweet girls:

Out takes!
Miss E was full of funny faces and poses. Here she is giving us her silly growl:

And excited about how big she is. She is SOOOO BIG!:

Miss P. doing the So Big with a little less enthusiasm than her sister...so sweet!

I hope you enjoy your sneak peek!

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