Thursday, September 20, 2007

Proud little Dude...and Missy Moo Too

As most of you know, we (hubby and I) affectionately call our little guy Dude. Well, Dude just doesn't like his picture taken...not one bit! He is full of 2 year old spunk, and I have more pictures of the back of his head than I'd like to admit. Today, when I attempted to get in a small session of Missy Moo, I was pleasantly surprised by the Dude. He was proud as a peacock in his new helmet (a hand-me-down from his sister), and said to me "Mommy, picture please." I could barely contain myself as my little boy posed like he's was born to model! I don't care if he has a helmet on...or that it's a girl helmet....or that it didn't fit....I'll take what I can get! Check out my little man in all his glory!

Of course I have one of the Moo

..and her "big muscles"

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