Monday, October 6, 2008

Fall Family Fun

I was so happy to get to photograph this family. Believe it or not, I have been waiting to photograph them for over a year! When our schedules finally matched up it was the weather that would get us, or someone wasn't feeling well, or something funny would pop up last minute. The key this time was we planned it only days out, and we left a huge time window open just in case the weather tried to interfere. Good thing we did! Mother nature tried to ruin our party, but we outsmarted her by meeting 2 hours before our scheduled time. I am so glad we did! The lighting was beautiful, and there was just enough of a breeze that day to give the pictures some life.

Well, a breeze and some Cattails. Oh, Heavens, were there Cattails!

I hope you enjoy your sneak peek!

Look at that mischievous face!

You know what happened next, right?


Em said...

Oh Manda!
We look GREAT!
Thanks so very much for "freezing" this moment in time for us.
You have a gift for this photog stuff for sure!

Unknown said...

I know my sister and her family are GORGEOUS.....but you did an amazing job catching that essence that makes them so. Thanks!