Monday, October 8, 2007

Bundle Up!---Gorgeous Fall Session

This past weekend was PRIME for Fall colors. If the weather stays nice (no snow or heavy rain), and we stay clear of too much wind, next weekend will be just as gorgeous. This family session has such beautiful colors in it, many of the pictures look like postcards. Add to that the absolutely adorable baby girl in the most precious Fall outfit, and I must say that I feel like I am proofing an advertisement session for high-end children's clothing!

This family was so wonderful to work with. Besides being very well dressed, they were troopers. It wasn't the nicest day Colorado has ever had (in the low 50's to high 40's) and it was drizzling! You wouldn't know it by looking at the little one...she was very easy to work with and was quite content in the cool weather.

Thanks for such a great session, and for being such troopers in the cool damp weather...I hope you guys enjoy your preview!


Unknown said...

that second picture is my favorite! - leslie p.

Holiday said...
